Gamma Aerospace holds a respected reputation in the aerospace industry for its proficiency in complex and advanced forming methods. Competencies range from compound contour stretching over 160", to deep-drawn and formed details, to smaller brackets and everything in between. Specialized in-house capabilities such as heat treating and turn-key tooling simplify those parts that might otherwise create obstacles.
— Complex Extrusion Stretching: longerons, stringers, seal retainers, zees, frames
— Compound Contour Skin Stretching: fairings, doors, covers, skins, shields
— Hydroform and Draw Forming: ribs, webs, channels, spars, frames, intercostals, pans
— CNC Punching and Brake Bending: clips, brackets, supports
— In-house aluminum heat treating and PH steel aging with NADCAP and most prime contractor approvals
— Hot forming of titanium
— Part sizes up to 65"x144", depending on configuration and forming process
— Longerons, Stringers, Seal Retainers, Zees, Frames
— Fairings, Doors, Covers, Skins, Shields
— Ribs, Webs, Channels, Spars, Frames, Intercostals, Pans
— Clips, Brackets, Supports
Consistent process, tools, and quality
High production rate and close tolerances
Ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance
Learn what it's like to work with us